sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013


Today I saw an article at Globo Rural website (a brazilian tv program about agrobusiness)  about a cow that is walking with the help of a prosthetic leg.

Follow the link for the ones who want to watch it:

The video shows a cow, apparently beloved by owners, that broke a leg and euthanasia was recomended, which ends up being the standard procedure in these cases, but the producers didn't give up on her and found a prosthetic to make a prosthesis for her and I think she is adjusting just well! She is already giving some small steps =D

I always admired the relantionship between some Milk Producers, specially the medium and small ones, with their animals.

I remember to face situations like this when I arrived in a farm:

"Oh... today Neguinha (cow's name) didn't wake up feeling well! She's too quiet."

"Petunia usually eats pretty well but today she didn't even touch the food! I'm worried about her!"

They always treat animals by name, observing each small change in behaviour and also treat than as well as possible so that they can recover, as they were big pets!

I always thought that if all the producers were like this animal suffering would be minimum!

But than I ask myself about the large producers. It's almost impossible to treat cows by names in this situation!
How to take care of big herds and garantee that all animals are being watched like individuals not numbers?!

In big herd cows are treated as numbers, and number that are supposed to give profit! Many times these animals don't have any conections with workers and even less with the owners.

Although I know producers with more than 200 cows in lactation who know all animals by name or know who is each cow in the herd, I also recognize that it is difficult to maintain large herds that kind of care for each individual animal.

In my opinion as larger the herd as better the administration must be.
As soon as these animals are treated like numbers all the indexes must be followed carefully. As an example: 
The number of culled animals increased. It must be investigated!!!
The number of lame cows increased. WHY?!

Each small change must be observed and investigated! This way the herds will be treated as the whole thing but maybe it will be possible to identify problems before animals start suffering.

In large farm another problem is that is necessary to hire a lot of people. Nowadays, I believe, is dificult to find skilled workers in any place in the world.

Trainning all these people is expensive but essencial for the well functioning of a dairy farm.
But it is not the only thing.
You must ensure that employees are satisfied with their work.

Farms where workers are happy and satisfied produce more and animals suffer less for sure!!!

But why did I get to this point?! Well this week in the USA a big milk producer had to punish some workers for mistreatment animals and had a video posted on the Internet.

The video is in the end of the page as show the picture.

Here is the link: 

The video has some very strong scenes! I could not watch until the end!

I wonder who's to blame in this case. I agree that the owner had no way of knowing what was going on all his farms much less with all his animals as his herd is huge.

But I consider this to be a huge administrative fail. probably these workers were not satisfied or not even liked to work with cows. In the end who paid a high price were the poor cows.

This producer was not penalized, only employees are responding process and I think it is wrong at least in the form of a fine he had to be penalized YES! He is responsible for the animals no matter how many he has!!

The message today is that care is important regardless of the number of animals you have. The closer a producer is with his his animals greater the return of his farm. And I have no doubt about it!

And just to finish I'll let this picture of this cute girl who comes to the parlor first and stay there until the end of the milking to be petted  by the folks in the parlor =D

Picture taken at the Dairy and Education Research Centre of the
University of British Columbia (UBC) - Agassiz-BC/ Canada


All best whises

Have a great weekend

see you =D

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